DaG 734 - EL4
- DAG 734 - EL4 CertificateClass : EL4 Enstatite-Chondrite , low-iron
subgroup. This is the 1st (beside Que 94368 ,
Antarctica , only 1.2g found). and almost only piece of EL 4 in the world (compare
the unpaired DaG 1031 - EL4).
- In winter 1996/97 in Dar Al Gani a fragmented stone weighing 1378g was
found in the desert. Total known weight: 1378g Coordinates: 27°07.91'N
16°03.00'E; Research MPI WlotzkaChondrule size: 500 micrometer.FeO in
Enstatite: 0.3%classified (01-2000) by Dr. Frank Wlotzka, Abteilung
Kosmochemie, Max-Planck-Institut fuer ChemiePostfach 3060, D-55020 Mainz
- type specimen: 20g, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Chemie , D-55020 Mainz