
Lunar meteorites, Moon Rocks

Mondmeteorite, 月の隕石, 月球陨石, météorite lunaire, la meteorite lunare, el meteorito lunar, Lunaire meteoriet)

(last update 15/12/13 Erich Haiderer)

View a list of fine lunar meteorites:

There are less than 50 distinct meteorites known today to be pieces of Earth's Moon (lunar meteorites).

The total weight of all recovered moon meteorites is 38kg (versus e.g.: tons of high cutting quality diamonds are found each year).

Such these moon meteorites are really unique and precious treasures from space!

Some important aspects to consider while choosing slices: Although big surface are  might be enough for pure demonstration purposes of lithologies, thin slices often turn much easier to break or weather over time.
Anyway sections of less than 1.5 mm thickness  are due to often decreased stability over time risky and often not meant to survive eternity. From investment considerations e.g., I recommend thicker slices, endpieces or individuals at best.
To give an example: If I would be JeweIIer e.g. I'd also recomment to prefer genuine precious jewelry over those plated with a thin layer of precious metal only. So substance and mass – yes they do count when it comes to acquisations.
plattierten vor echtem Schmuck empfehlen. Es geht eben bei langfristigen Überlegungen - nebst reiner Bildhaftigkeit des Objekts - doch primär auch um Substanz und Masse.

 How do this rocks from our moon get to earth? 
m.freundlicher Genehmigung von Christian Pinter-Wiener Zeitung

How can we be sure our Meteorites are from Moon?

Mineral composition, chemical analysis results, isotope ratios, advanced optical studies, and textures of the lunar meteorites are all similar to those of samples collected on the  lunar surface during Apollo missions.

Unlike meteorites originating from asteroids samples from the surface of earth's moon almost always contain free glass formed in space by impacts from space on the lunar surface.

Because of how the Moon formed, lunar highland material is composed predominantly of Anorthite which is a white, plagioclase feldspar that causes moons  pale shimmering color. 

Another plagioclase feldspar Anortihisite is common on lunar highlands but  is quite uncommon on asteroids and on the surface of any other planet or planetary satellites.

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A completely new rare (prov. from a different unique lunar region) and interesting (extremely alkali-rich unlike any other lunaite) lunar type:


Lunar KREEP impact melt breccia - Dho 1442              

Find 2005; TkW: 120 g in total. Fusion crust absent.

Note: The mineralogy of this lunaite shows by far the highest Na2O value (appr. twice as high as

that of all other lunaites) as well as K2O content (K2O: 0.76) of all known lunar meteorites. Most Lunaites have a K2O value of a seventh or less (of that of o 1442. Only Calcalong Creek and NWA 773 have a higher K2O value than the other lunars but still only a third of that of  Dho 1442

Petrography: (Ivanova M.A., Lorenz C.A., and Nazarov M.A., Vernad.) Meteorite is a impact melt breccia containing lithic clasts, mineral fragments, glassy spherules, granulites and melt breccias embedded in a fine-grained melt matrix. It's a polymict breccia although the matrix/clasts ratio is varying from section to section of the meteorite.

The lithic clasts population is presented by anorthosites, gabbroes, olivine gabbro-norites, gabbro-norites and norites. KREEPy and mare basalt clasts are present.

The size of the clasts ranges from 0.02-8 mm; the main minerals are pyroxene and feldspar; minor - olivine, silica, chromite, ilmenite, Ca-phosphate, troilite and FeNi metal.  

Geochemistry: (Ivanova M.A. and Kononkova N.N. (Vernad.) Chemical compositions of mineral phases are: feldspar An73-96Ab3.7-24.8; clinopyroxene En2.6-69.5Wo5.6-42.8 (Fe/Mn = 64 at.), orthopyroxene En60.8-77.1Wo1.2-4.1 (Fe/Mn = 69 at.), olivine Fo39.9-72.2 (Fe/Mn = 93 at.); ilmenite (MgO 5.5%); FeNi metal (Ni 8.0%; Co 0.6%).
Average glassy m
atrix composition (wt%): SiO2 49.6; TiO2 1.76; Al2O3 17.4; Cr2O3 0.20; FeO 10.7; MnO 0.15; MgO 7.16; CaO 11.1; Na2O 0.88; K2O 0.76; P2O5 0.84.

Classification: Achondrite (lunar KREEP impact melt breccia with minor features of weathering. 

Specimens: A total of 21.8 g of sample and two thin sections are on deposit at Vernad.  An anonymous buyer holds the main mass of the meteorite.


0,38gr Sold;  0,022gr Sold; 0,012gr $29;

Ask for availibility @fair and affordable price

Dho 1436 - Lunaite

Special: 1 part slice left - ask:

24.2 g was found . Available are wonderful slices: extremely beautiful  (colour and contrast rich as well as some surprising features like intriguinglooking mineral clasts and large fresh, glassy vesicles!) of Dho 1436 - Lunaite for Euro 905/grm: 0.004g SOLD!; 0,07g Euro 75; 0,214gr ; 0,102gr sold!

As always all guarantees; Ask for availibility @fair and affordable price


SaU 449 - Lunaite


No known pairing; Special: 1 part slice  left -  ask:

One tiny lunar droplet of 16g was found by a professional meteorite hunting team from Russia that scanned the area for over 5 years footstep by footstep.

Extensive searches over a long period of time didn't yield any further stone.

Ask for availibility @fair and affordable price

Lunar breccia - Dho 302

Dhofar 302 seems to be more differentiated and also more rich in igneous and granulitic lithologies to any other known lunar meteorite in this part of the Dho region. Very low total mass of less than 4gr!

For more research data see on Randy Korotevs informative website: Randy Korotev, Dept o.Earth+Planetary Sciences Wash.University-St.Louis

TkW: only 3.83g        

  rich of large fresh glassy vesicles

DH0FAR 1428

A 213 g dark gray moon meteorite without fusion crust was found in the DH0FAR desert region. Petrography: (T. Bunch and J. Wittke, NAU) Clast-rich impact melt breccia (mingled) that consists mostly of light to dark gray clasts of previously formed, plagioclase-rich breccias and white lithic and mineral clasts of anorthositic rocks +plagioclase.

For more research data see on Randy Korotevs informative website: Randy Korotev, Dept o.Earth+Planetary Sciences Wash.University-St.Louis

Offer: 0,457g ca 17x9mm $457, part slice appr. 8x8mm square slice 0,184g $190; BB $25


DH0FAR 1443 - Anorthositic Breccia

DH0FAR 1443 18°25.00'N 54°25.50'E

Find: 12 April 2001

Lunar (anorthositic breccia)

History: On April 12, 2001, one stone was found by an anonymous finder in the DH0FAR region. Some years later three further tiny fragments were found within a few feet. The total mass of all stones is 36.7 g.

Physical characteristics: The rock is slightly weathered and relatively dark in hand specimen.

Petrography and mineralogy (A. Bischoff, IfP and E. H. Haiderer, Vienna): typical anorthositic breccia with light anorthositic clasts and abundant impact melt clasts embedded within a tough, partially molten matrix. This mostly devitrified matrix contains abundant vesicles and schlieren.

Based on the optical appearance the rock has some similarities with DH0FAR 081 , however, the coordinates do not favor pairing.

Mineral compositions: feldspar ranges from An 83–98 with a mean of An 94.8 ± 3.5 ; pyroxene is Fs 12–49 ; mean: Fs 30 ± 9 ; and olivine is Fa 19–52 ; mean: Fa 35.5 ± 9 .

Classification: Lunar (anorthositic breccia).

Type specimens: 7.4 g and one polished thin section ( IfP , Mün); an anonymous collector holds the main mass.

Sale: Dho1443-630mg 370€







Mass (g):





Lunar (anorthositic breccia)

Fayalite (mol%):


Ferrosilite (mol%):



A. Bischoff and E.H. Haiderer, IfP

Type spec mass (g):


Type spec location:


Main mass:



Feldspar, An83–98

    and collections IfP
: Institut für Planetologie, Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 10, 48149 Münster, Germany (institutional address)

Vienna : University of Vienna, Dr-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1, A-1010 Wien, Austria (institutional address)

Haiderer : Erich Haiderer, P.O. Box 88, A-1193 Vienna, Austria


1.Moon Meteorite - with troctolithe clasts from the original old lunar crust and probably from the Northern region of the Far side of Moon:

4.5 Billion years ago: Earth struck by mars-sized object

4.4Billion years ago: Moon crust - radio date



a)Dho 489

This material dominates the northern
lunar farside – an area called the Feldspathic Highlands Terrane.

View Dr.Tomoko Arai and Prof. Hirosh Takedas (et al) detailed research results and informative publications:

SELENE exploration to better and further define the lunar origin and evolution

Dho 489 et al. as ground truth of the lunar farside crust.

Feldspathic lunar meteorites from the farside and production of their lunar simulants

More selected data on this on the web:

2.Lunar Meteorites from "maria" basalt plains (igneous rock types) on Earth's Moon:

NEA 003 Lunar mare basalt with impact-melt breccia

found 2000/11/22 in the sand desert. TkW: 124g


 0.3g 6x8mm $600; 0.022g 5x3mm $42;

3.Moon Meteorites from lunar "highlands" -Anorthosite Group:

almost sold

DaG 996 - Lunar meteorite (fragmental breccia)

probably paired with DaG 262

Found 1999 May 14

very strong mosaicism of plagioclase as well as abundant melt veins and melt pockets attest a high degree of shock;

Please email us your kind preorder requests!

0,013g 5x4mm $55 ,

0,044 6x5mm; 0,55g sold 0,26g 11x11mm; 1,008g 17x13mm complete slice

Available only through us!

DaG 1042 kristalline lunare Schmelzbrekzie

Physische Merkmale: Ein kompletter und stark regmaglyptischer Mondmeteorit von 801,432g, der mit (einigen Überresten) einer dunklen Schmelzkruste bedeckt war, wurde von einem anonymen Finder 1999 in der Dar Al Gani Region gefunden.

Petrographie: kataklastische feldspatische (Plagioklas) feinkörnige kristalline Schmelzbreckzie. Glaslinien und Spherulen - .

Mittlerer Verwitterungsgrad.

Stücke:  30g + PTS, NIPR und JAXA, Japan

Fragen Sie nach Verfügbarkeit und fairen, günstigen Preisen:

z.B.: 2.864g Mondmeteoritenscheibe 36x25mm, 1,23g sold; 0,437g ca 16x10mm; 0,513g sold

1,212g Endstück ca.14x12x7mm; 0,048g 8x6mm sold,

0,513 sold, 0,12g Teilscheibe, 0,54g

DaG 1058 Anorthisitische Hochlandbrekzie

DaG1058 nice slice 0,9g, appr. 2.5mm thick 200€


Dho 309 - Lunar meteorite - anorthositic impact melt breccia

Lunar meteorite (anorthositic impact melt breccia)

A grey, partly fusion-crusted 81.3 g moon meteorite was found

2002 January 14

Dho309 thin slice 209mg 218€

the meteorite is a clast-poor impact melt breccia; mineral fragments and lithic clasts are embedded in a matrix of devitrified glass. plagioclase An93-98Or0.1-0.4; olivine Fo75-89 (atomic Fe/Mn ~79); orthopyroxene En80-86Wo2-5; clinopyroxene En46-82Wo5-46

Ask for availibility of a wonderful bigger slice which displays typical texture and melt and shock features of lunar highland material @ fair and affordable price 


DHO 310: Lunar meteorite - POLYMICT BRECCIA
Lunar meteorite (anorthositic impact melt breccia) 

in Dho 310 were found high pressure minerals originating

from deep lunar crust or even the uppermost mantle region.

Here are some the links:
A grey 10.8 g moon meteorite was found 2002 January 15 in the Dhofar region. Classification and mineralogy mineralogy (S. Demidova, Vernad; G. Kurat, NHMV): fusion crust is absent.

The meteorite is a fragmental regolith breccia containing numerous mineral fragments and clasts of feldspathic rocks embedded in a devitrified glassy matrix; clasts of granulites and possible igneous rocks are abundant and have mainly anorthositic and troctolitic-noritic compositions, impact melt breccias and pyroxenitic clasts are also present;

plagioclase An96-99Or0.1-0.2; olivine Fo44-86 (atomic Fe/Mn ~79); orthopyroxene En59-88Wo1-5; clinopyroxene En33-77Wo5-47; accessory minerals are Ti-rich chromite, ulvöspinel, pleonaste, ilmenite (2-7 wt% MgO), armalcolite, silica, troilite, FeNi metal; composition of the impact melt matrix is MgO 4.8, CaO 18.5, Al2O3 29.1, SiO2 43.5, FeO 3.0 (wt%);

0,005g 3x4mm ; 0,018g 7x7mm, 1,45g 18x16mm

almost sold


Lunar anorthositic breccia:  Dho 490   

Very rare, top quality lunar meteorite (highly aesthetic), different in appearance to other known lunar meteorites! (It is not paired to any other known Dhofar Lunaites)
Description and references

Beautiful material with surprising texture, very fresh:

$4 only for a gem box with appr.3mg of dust to grain sized lunar material. (Note: due to these small sized grains the difference of lunar dust to terrestrial dust is difficult to prove! Lunar and terrestrial grains of pyroxenes, olivine or feldspar virtually look identical).
Only our Certificate of Authenticity and seal on the gem box proves that it is real moon dust.

Dho490-728mg 530$ highly beautiful

Ask for availibility of a wonderful bigger slice which displays typical texture and melt and shock features of lunar highland material
@ fair and affordable price 

Lunar Meteorite - Dho 306

A tiny meteorite of a total mass of 12.5g was found on June 29 2001

Available: ultrathin slices: 0,08g $59


Lunar Meteorite - Dho 307

A small meteorite of a total mass of 50gr was found on April 14th 2001

Ask for availibility @ fair and affordable price


Lunar Meteorite, Lunar breccia - Dho 303

TkW: only 4.15g    

0,015g 3x5mm; 0,108g end piece 8x4mm, 0.038 g slice

Ask for availibility @ guaranteed best price

Lunar Meteorite, Lunar breccia - Dho 908

0,007g 3x4mm ; 0,016g 5x7mm, 1,344g 18x13mm

Ask for availibility @ fair price

(from N.Classen)

Lunar Meteorite, Lunar breccia - Dho  925

inclusions of free magnetic metal,

paired with Dhofar 960 and Dhofar 961

by Randy Korotev

NWA 2977 Lunar Gabbro

crusted part slice appr. 10x7mm square slice 0,225g $225

crusted part slice appr. 8x7mm square slice 0,134g $134

Ask for guaranteed best price

  NWA 482 Lunar Regolithe

Ultrathin slices

Ask for availibility @ guaranteed best price

by Randy Korotev

NWA 2700 lunar Gabbro

For more research data see on Randy Korotevs informative website: Randy Korotev, Dept o.Earth+Planetary Sciences Wash.University-St.Louis

Sayh al Uhaymir 300, SaU 300

Lunar granulite breccia, granoblastic with poikilitic inclusions (S2)

An individual of 152.6 g was discovered by Thomas and Paul Kurtz of of Bartoschewitz natural science expedition team

on a gravel plateau of Miocene fresh-water limestone of Middle Fars group

Total recovered mass:  0.1526 kg; ind date: Feb. 21st, 2004

An 95.8

Class: Bartoschewitz

Ask for availibility

I can offer you a lot set of representative samples of 7 different, rare and unpaired! lunar meteorites mostly with a low total known mass.
for US$ 250/lot.
This is a great rate price (the average rate turns out to be below  €800/gr).

See below which types that may be included (images are just sample images - Actual samples you receive will look moderately different and may be different in shape and in size –smaller. Also the pieces from lot to lot may a bit vary)!

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Mondmeteorit- Angebote

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All meteorites (inclusive sizes TN and MS) come individually in decorative display boxes!

Size Reference

Grain Size (GS)
 Bug Box (BB)
 Lentil Size (LS)

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