Anom. Eucrite with Mesosiderite tendency - Dho 007found 1999 in Dhofar, Oman, Metaphysical Properties: Brecciated meteorites of total mass 21.270 kg; 37 pieces. According to several different professional researchers in the energy field measuring this material seem to have some of the highest known cosmic energies on earth. While working with this stone you may get guided on a level of still awareness to a deeper understanding of your relation to the Golgatha - Event, the path of the passion of Christ. Mineralogy: brecciated Fs (mol%) 43.3, An 92; Black impact melt veins and pockets are abundant.Dhofar 007 contains good visible shiny metal inclusions, This material came from a bigger fragment which seems to have originated from the mantle or crust region of a bigger parent body in space. That body was heavily molten and magmatically differentiated. The material went through an extensive reduction process and such most of its metal was separated from the feldspar and pyroxenes to the clearly visible evenely distributed free metal inclusions (obviously not caused by shock). Top scientists and eucrite specialists Yamaguchi (et al) from Japan proved that the metallic phases of this meteorite experienced very slow cooling. This thermal history indicator may refer to the origin of a bigger parent body.